2021 VAELA UnProgram

September 24 - September 25

Kingsmill Resort

Williamsburg, VA


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GAL Continuing Education Certification Form

Sessions Approved for Continuing Education Credit

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Friday, September 24, 10:15 am - 12:30 pm

Advance Care Planning: The Physician’s Perspective: Updated 09.20.21 presented by Gabriella Miller, MD, HMDC & Thomas Miller, MD, FHM

Legislative & Public Policy Update Materials (from the 06.17.21 Webinar by the VAELA Public Policy Committee) Added 09.27.21

Saturday, September 25, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

1. A Sauterne Look at the Virginia Uniform Trust Decanting Act, 2021 - R. Shawn Majette, Esq. & Yahne Miroini, Esq., LLM

2. ABLE accounts since their Inception: A Tool that Keeps getting Better - Ann M. Green, Esq.

3. Allowances & Other Family Claims Against the Estate - Kimberley A. Murphy, Esq.

4. Fundamentals of a Pooled Special Needs Trust - Karen Konvicka, J.D. & Joanne Marcus, MSW

5. Issues & Problems When Funding Irrevocable Asset Protection Trusts - Evan Farr, CELA, CAP, & Ari Sommer, Esq.

6. How the Elder Law Attorney Can Help the Person Injury Attorney - Karen Konvicka, J.D. & Joanne Marcus, MSW

7. How to Handle Creditors in Estate Administration/Issues in Estate Administration - Timothy K. Palmer, Esq.

8. IEPs and Guardianship - Lisa Fagan, Esq.

9. Introduction to and Implications of the SECURE Act - Yahne Miorini, Esq., LLM

10. Litigation for Breach of Fiduciary Duty - Kenneth Labowitz, Esq.

11. Malpractice Prevention in Elder Law - Joyvan Malbon-Griffin, Esq.

12. Recurring Issues Guardians ad litem Encounter in Guardianship/Conservatorship Cases, and How Not to be a Problematic GAL - Amy E. McCullough, Esq.

13. Resident Rights and Nursing Home Discharge - Margaret A. O’Reilly, Esq., CELA

14. Review of the Basics of VA Claims - Christopher M. McCarthy, Esq., CELA, CAP

15. Taxation on Death: Individual, Fiduciary, and Estate Tax Returns - Gretchyn G. Meinken, Esq.

16. Update on Changes for Filing Claims with the Dept. of Veteran Affairs (VA) - Harold H. (Bart) Barton, Esq.

17. Virginia Medicaid & Supplemental Security Income Eligibility for Business Owners – Andrew H. Hook, CELA, Emily Martin, Esq. & Rachel Snead, Esq.

18. What’s Left in the Estate Planning Toolbox under the Biden Administration? - Scott N. Alperin, Esq.

19. Fiduciary Fees: It’s All About the Benjamins - Anne Heishman, Esq., Foster Friedman, Esq., Melanie Lee, Esq. & Kimberly Pinchbeck, Esq.

To download a compressed file of Saturday sessions 1-9, click here.

To download a compressed file of Saturday sessions 10-19, click here.